Sunday, 24 March 2013

Let the kicking commence!

So the one thing I told myself I had to do is the one thing I didn't do, I'm sorry. :( I said one blog a week... 3 weeks ago. Not good enough! I'm going to sort it out once things calm down a little, I promise. *holds out pinkie*

Obviously because I've had 3 weeks between the last blog and this blog, I've done all of the tasks on my list. I did, however, find that by writing it down and making myself meet these expectations, I struggled more than if I just had the plan in my head and got on with it. I felt like I was working for a deadline rather than a personal goal, so I don't think I'll keep up the whole weekly 'what I did and want to do' thing. Sorry. :(

Here's some of the stuff I've been working on since then...

These are some UVs I painted for a corner I made. Overall I'm fairly happy with them, I love finding new ways to paint wood textures. :D 

The top one is for a wooden chair, I did a LiveStream while I was doing work on it; if you're interested in watching then the video is here!

The bottom one is supposed to be ripped & damp wallpaper with a kinda tacky red carpet below. I have mixed feelings about it and the wallpaper went through a lot of changes before I settled on that one. Here's one version of it that I liked but had to change for size reasons:

(Sorry it's a bit small!)

Next up is a little Maya work of my own. :D I've never really used Maya to make anything by myself without having to use it for a project, so it was fun to just have a bit of a play around with it for a change. This is what I've made so far:

It's supposed to be Porridge Warrior :'D though he's a bit underdeveloped at the moment. I'm hoping to add more to it and make him look all fancy, though I'm not sure how long it'll take. Hopefully I'll have him done soon, though! 

Here's a herron that I drew:

I don't have a lot to say about him :( though he was fun to draw! 

Then last up is my 'abandoned corner' >_>. This was for a project, I modelled everything in Maya, textured them in Photoshop and then placed the models into UDK. I really should have pushed myself more with this considering our limit was 1000 tris and these added up to just under 300, but I did what I did. Here it is:

I definitely underestimated how long it would take and how difficult it would be to make this, so I'll know for next time to push myself as much as I can. I need to get over the barriers I seem to have with 3D modelling and just embrace it as much as I can. It's certainly something I'm willing to work on and will do so. :D

Thanks for reading if you did, any feedback on the things I've posted here would be massively appreciated! Take care~ 


Saturday, 2 March 2013

-Insert Witty Title Here-

Trying to keep in the theme of updating this more often, I think I'm going to try and post weekly. Fingers crossed I manage to stick to it!* 

Since I don't really have many topics to talk about, I think I'll just do a summary of what I've done this week, what I want to do next week, and how I think it all went. Fun fun fun. :D 

So to get the ball rolling, this week I've done the following...

... Added emissive textures to the barrels I made to get them to glow! 

... Did a digital paint of a Stag for my best friend's birthday!

... Started on this digital painting of a landscape because I literally never draw environments!

... Tried to draw some hands and took a crappy photo to prove it!

... And finally, drew a picture of a very annoyed looking Link! :D 

I also did some other stuff for uni though I didn't want to post literally everything here. The things above are just the general really, stuff that I wanted to share! 

Things I want to do next week:
- More anatomy
- Finish that environment
- Make some textures & model in Maya
- Do a few digital studies from life not photos

I'm hoping to stick to this list, so we'll see how it goes. As always I'll be tweeting my progress on whatever I'm working on over on my Twitter account (@TeaAndMonsters) and I'll also announce any more LiveStreams I decide to do there too, so feel free to follow!

Thanks for reading if you did and have an awesome week. :D 

*If I don't then you have my full permission to kick me, just so you know. 
