Thursday, 27 June 2013

First Year: Get!

It's official, I passed first year! :D 

The above image is my official reaction image, by the way. 

I'm mega happy with the result I got :D there were some areas I felt I let myself down in along the year, so to pass with a grade I'm happy with came as a nice surprise. I can definitely say that I've been given extra motivation to give it my all next year so September, if you're reading this, please hurry up and get here!

Other than getting my grade, this week has been filled with a lot of half finished digital paintings and things I wanted to do but couldn't because of various reasons. Also for those of you that care, Jason got fired in the Apprentice. My heart weeps.* ): 

I did however, make a 'comic' about our new dog Toby. :D 

He's a huge cutie and very sweet but he just won't leave me alone. I don't really mind this because dog cuddles are the best but when I'm trying to work/draw/sleep or drink delicious tea and a Yorkshire Terrier decides to land on my knees, it can cause a few issues!

Something else that I guess I don't really need to talk about but would like to is the possibility of using a laptop that has UDK being snatched away from me... again. ;>_> The first time I thought that the charger was broken - my dad fixed it in about half a second by plugging the socket in properly. Yeah. That really happened.

This time, however, with the charger working and all looking great, I turned it on with high expectations to find a blue screen and a reboot 'Steph help me I'm broken' screen. Great! So now I don't quite know if I'll ever be able to form a bond with UDK, I guess it'll have to wait a little longer.

Sorry for the lack of content AGAIN. I may as well just change the title of this blog to that. Screw 'Life in Games Design', 'Sorry I didn't do squat' is where it's at. 

Have an awesome week and thanks for sticking with me! :D 

*I'm not using a spoiler tag, it was over a week ago and if that's a spoiler for you then you need to sort your priorities out by watching The Apprentice instead of reading this blog! 


Thursday, 20 June 2013

"You posted WHAT on Youtube?!"

Apparently I started writing an entry with this title before I went to York but for some reason it went to drafts... ;>_> So here I am using it, finally! 

This week I've spent a lot of time away from my tablet in terms of personal projects as I've been moving back to Newcastle from uni for the holidays. Combine that with a housemate moving out and visiting my Grandma every day and you're left with not much stuff to show. Sorry. :C 

Fortunately, though, I do have some things to show! Not much, though they're better than nothing. :)

The first thing is the actual reason for the title of this post and can be found here.

I've always loved watching speed painting videos. Probably more than I should do, actually. Another thing I've always loved the idea of is actually making my own... and here it is! The quality isn't too great because I used the video that I got saved from a livestream of the painting, so I apologise for that. I have however figured out a way to do it in much better quality so the next one will be much better. :D 

Either way I hope you enjoy watching it if you do - I'd love to get some feedback on it. :)

The second thing I have to show this week is a digital painting. I've wanted to do another one for a while and since I had a friend's birthday coming up I saw it as the perfect opportunity! :D So, here's Bang Yongguk from B.A.P:

He was a tonne of fun to paint and actually didn't take as long as I thought he would :D it took me about 3 hours give or take. It's still a fair amount of time but I'm getting there!

Taking a step back from digital painting for a little while has made me realise how much I really enjoy it, so look forward to some more of these popping up in the next few weeks including the half finished one I'm currently working on.

That's all I've got for this week ): I'll have way more time to do my own thing come the end of June though, so this lack of things is only temporary. :D 

I hope you have an awesome week and thanks for reading!


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

I love Nintendo

So how about dat E3 conference? Things I learned while watching each one:

- I liked XBox's games
- I liked PS4's games better
- PS4 is a nicer price
- I'm cheap so will probably get PS4
- I still love Nintendo most

Okay, now that's out of the way, onto the art. :D 

This week I've mostly been making comics. :O Well, by mostly I mean I've made two... which is two more than last week! 

The first one is about Animal Crossing (of course) and how I'm incapable of talking to people about it in a calm and composed manner:

I actually posted this one onto my Tumblr and it got 760+ notes, so thanks everyone that liked/reblogged for that! :D It was a load of fun to make, so I'm happy that people seemed to like it.

Next is my second NON-Animal Crossing related comic. 

Instead, this one is about Mario Kart and my inability to play it like a sane person:

(Way to make yourself sound incapable of doing many things, Steph!)

I didn't put this one on my tumblr, hence why the 'watermark' links to my Twitter instead. :'D

Other than these two comics, the only things I've really done have been more Animal Crossing Villager portrait type things because of how many people on Tumblr requested. ;>_> So here are those:

These (in order) are of Cyrus, Reese, Mabel, Stitches, Rosie and Tangy. The last 4 were actually done BEFORE I went to York, though obviously because I didn't post a blog I couldn't show you guys before now. Sorry!

That's all I've got for this week. I'm desperate to get back into digital painting so I want to do some studies, though with New Leaf releasing on Friday I can't make too many promises. >_> I will try!

Thanks for reading if you did and have an awesome week. :)
