Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Bye bye First Year. :(

At the time of writing this, I have about an hour until the last day of my 'first' year at university (if we ignore the Foundation course I did last year). This year has been amazing and I've loved every single second of my time as a Games Design student so far, so I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into second year. I really feel like this is where I belong and I'm super-massively-incredibly happy about that. :D 

This week I've spent a lot of time making sure that I had everything for my portfolio hand-in tomorrow. That includes making folders in folders, printing things out, checking folders and then checking them again. Knowing me, though, I'll probably still forget something and remember it last second. Just you wait and see. >_>

The plus side to all of this chaos is that it's really nice to look through my work from the start of the year and compare it with where I'm at now. I can't say there's as much improvement as I would have liked, though there are definitely some areas that I feel I've improved in. Realism in particular I think I feel more confident in, as before the start of this year I never really bothered to try it because I knew I was going to be terrible!

Alongside the checking and scribbling out lists and checking again I have done a bit more work this week to go with that, so here it is! :D 

That guy from the God of War games that always looks really pee'd off. 

"It's-a me, Derpio*!"

These guys were for some work I revamped about mechanics in games. I didn't realise how much I enjoy trying to draw pre-existing game characters in my own style. I'm quite fond of Mario, I want to sleep in his moustache. :D 

Was that too creepy? I think that might have been too creepy... I'm sorry. ;-; 

Next up are some Golems that I did as part of a collab for a group project:

The very talented Paul Wolfe on my course did the character designs/lineart for the Golems and then gave them to me to colour. They were so much fun to work on! :D I think out of the four the first Golem (fire) is probably my favourite, it was definitely the one I enjoyed working on the most. I'd be more than happy to do something like this again! 

That's all of the work I can show you at the moment sadly ): I am working on something else, though I'm not 100% sure if I'm allowed to share anything from it yet. D: I'm sorry!

I am, however, really looking forward to getting a load of my own work drawn out and done now that a lot of my time will have been freed up. :D Lot's of studies, characters and 3D modelling, so look out for those! 

Thanks so much for reading if you did and have an awesome week. :) 

*Not a licensed Nintendo character but if you're reading this Nintendo I'm more than happy to sell you the rights, just sayin'. ££££££££££££££



  1. I've always liked golems :) The Air Golem is my favorite.

    1. Thanks Nicholas! :D I really like the design too. :)
