Friday, 12 July 2013

Someone take me to Disneyland

This week I've spent a lot of time on one piece and not much time on others, though I did get 2 Environments done as promised! No stern talking to for me, yaaaaay. :D

The first environment took me about 20 minutes and is some kind of snowy mountain thing:

There are some aspects of it that I could be happier with but I guess for 20 minutes it isn't too bad. :'D I definitely need to put a lot more work into environments if I want to get better at them, though.

The second one is more mountainy hill things, just without snow. :D This took about the same amount of time, possibly a bit longer:

Out of the two of them I think I prefer the first one, though the second one was more fun to work on. It was nice getting to mess with different colours that weren't just blue. :'D I MUST DRAW MORE.

The final thing I've done this week (which ate up the most time) is a digital painting of a guy called Tommy Des Brisay. He's a 22 year old Autistic Canadian who posts videos to youtube under the channel 'Lookyus' and I'd strongly recommend having a look. :) Tommy's constant joy and optimism towards life has been hugely inspiring to me and I couldn't not paint him. I think he's amazing. :D

I'm happy with how Pascal and Tommy came out (for the most part), though the background bugs me a little. I think it's probably the Perspective but I'm not sure. Either way, it was nice to work on and I hope that Tommy and his family like it! :D 

That's all I have for this blog, I'll hopefully have some more environments to show next time.

Thanks for reading if you did and have an awesome week!


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